Beth Kurland
on Tools for Transcending Habits
and Living Your Fullest Life

About Dr. Kurland:
Beth Kurland, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, Tedx speaker, and author of three award winning books: Dancing on The Tightrope: Transcending the Habits of Your Mind and Awakening to Your Fullest Life;The Transformative Power of Ten Minutes: An Eight Week Guide to Reducing Stress and Cultivating Well-Being; and Gifts of the Rain Puddle: Poems, Meditations and Reflections for the Mindful Soul. Beth is passionate about teaching mindfulness informed practices and mind-body strategies to help people cultivate whole person health and well-being. She has been providing evidence-based practices to people across the lifespan for over 25 years and has a psychology practice in Norwood MA. Beth is a regular blog writer for Psychology Today and PsychCentral, and offers workshops and public speaking engagements to share her work and help people cultivate practical tools for resilience and well-being. Visit https://BethKurland.com to enjoy her free meditations or find her free meditations on Insight Timer.
More from Dr. Kurland:
- Beth Kurland's website
- Beth Kurland on Facebook
- Beth Kurland's Books:
- Psychology Today Blog: The Well-Being Toolkit
- Audio Workshop: How to Cope with Stress: Practical Tools for Resilience and Well-Being
- TedX talk: Three Tools for Change You Were Never Taught
- Insight Timer Page: https://insighttimer.com/bkurland
NOTE: Please note that the information Dr. Kurland shares is strictly for educational purposes only, and is not in any way intended as psychological counseling or psychological consultation of any kind. She recommends that anyone in need of such services seek the advice of a local licensed mental health professional.

Katherine King, PsyD
Katherine King, PsyD is a clinical psychologist and assistant professor of psychology at William James College. She was trained in evidence-based treatments within the Veterans’ Administration and has a private practice specializing in geropsychology. She is also a member of the Shambhala Board of Directors and has practiced meditation for over 20 years. Learn more about Kate at www.drkateking.com.

Alex Gokce, MSW
Alex Gokce, MSW has experience leading psychotherapy groups on topics including mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and mind-body approaches to pain management. He has personal and professional interests in the individual, societal and intergenerational impacts of trauma, as well as the sociocultural roots of interpersonal harm. He has a master’s degree in social work from Salem State University and an undergraduate degree in Comparative Government from Harvard University.